Door Packing Line
The door to be wrapped in heat-shrinkable foil is placed on the feeding conveyor, which, while moving it behind the longitudinal seal bar, is wrapped with foil unwound from two rolls by the mechanisms: upper and lower foil reel. The longitudinal sealer seals and cuts the foil along the length of the package. The package travels on a belt conveyor into the operating zone of the transverse welding gun, positioning itself centrally in relation to the tunnel. The foil is sealed from the top of the element / right side of the foil /.
Then the belt conveyor is lowered, the package falls on the rollers which are activated and the package in the foil rides so that its other end is in the area of operation of the transverse sealer. The package is closed from the bottom / left side of the foil /. The package wrapped in foil moves on rolls towards the heating tunnel, eg TGW 30/130 / depending on the quality and thickness of the foil / the finished package leaves the tunnel chamber, then it is ready to be collected from the receiving table.

Features of Automatic Door Packing Line
GRASO Producer
automatic door packing lines
As a manufacturer, we are able to produce a line according to individual customer requirements.
Maszyna przystosowana jest do pracy w ciągu technologicznym. W tym przypadku produkt zostaje podany bezpośrednio z przenośników linii produkcyjnej, co pozwala nam zwiększyć wydajność produkcji – jednocześnie zmniejszając czynnik ludzki podczas procesu pakowania
Any questions?
If you are interested in the offer, please contact us. We will answer any questions you may have.
+48(58) 562-56-61